December 12 Bible Study


  1. You’re spot on with urging the clarification of the term and concept “eschatology”.
    For instance, one of my fellow countrymen, a fairly erudite historian, who is a savant in his field (and formerly the biographer of prominent bishops of the Reformed Church here), uses the word “eschatology” in one of his books several times apparently in the very meaning of soteriology…

    It was a great discussion at the end of the revelatory demonstration, too!
    My ponderings were very similar to Adnan’s. I would even add a gauging estimation about proportions. The standards of the Law were formally so severe, but there were always more than a handful of righteous Israelites in their hearts, who remained faithful and loyal to God and not to the letters. The inner handicaps of human quality usually prevailed so only a minority could be an exception.
    But isn’t it the same nowadays? Most of us have the predilection to our own ways and to what the world offers instead of Yahavah’s ways. Lots of Christians constructed religions or played church with sets of rules by self-delusionary concepts of perfect allegiance to them. Or inside denominations believers are prone to become cafeteria Christians with a smorgasbord approach to the faith by picking and choosing components that are convenient for them. Long story short, shall we claim that we the offspring progressed in spiritual purity? What makes a difference in favor of us? Just keeping on ruminating on this.

    • Hey Aron. Brother I don’t think religion or Christianity or even humanity, is in and of itself somehow better or more Holy now than Israel was then. What I am trying to do is not designed to degrade or condemn Israel, Hebrews or even Jews. This is where it sometimes gets difficult to talk about this subject without coming across as somehow “antisemitic”. I believe the only difference between them then and us now is the finished work of Yeshuah. What I am particularly attempting to do is destroy the preconceived notion throughout Churchianity that Israel was a fundamentally righteous nation and people. The problem is that most read the “good promises” made to Israel as “irrevocable and guaranteed” and the “promissed curses” get lost in the background. These first lessons are designed to show why Israels only hope under the “Old Covenant” was the utter destruction promised by YAHAVAH under their original “wedding contract”. As we move on I hope to make clear that the reason a New Covenant was needed was to “save” Israel from the irrevocable promis of complete destruction they deserved under the terms of their “Original Covenant”. Many still look for the good promises made under the “Old Covenant” to be ultimately fulfilled when infact the curses of the Old Covenant were what was being fulfilled at the end of Israels marrage to Israel or what we better know as the ” end of days”. I do want to clarify though, I am singeling out Israel and makeing clear there idolotry and wickedness not because I want to condemn them above everybody or anybody else. I’m pointing out there Idolotry and wickedness to show that they weren’t sepperated and different than everybody else, like they were supposed to be. The difference between Israel and everybody else was that they had made a binding contract with YAHAVAH promissing upon pain of death that they would be different. This Covenant certainly did set them appart from other peoples and what I’m hopeing to show is that they were uniqly set appart to utter destruction for their disobedience. I hope this makes sense. I’m responding to this on the road and the little window and big thumbs and lots of typoes and corrections, make it difficult for me to keep the running diolog in my head. I’ll address what your points in the next Bible study on Tuesday. You do bring up some points that I think needs to be clarified now instead of relying upon the whole thing to make sense and come together at the end. Thanks

      • Thank you for restating your main takeaways while driving, hopefully not in hazardous conditions.
        Of course, it’s plain as day that any prejudice or disdain against Jews (or Israelites, Hebrews) was not on the table throughout the lecture.
        I get it, the nation of Israel conspicuously measured up not in the least to the standards given by Yahavah in exchange for being chosen, for being His “firstborn son”. It was definitely their higher responsibility for a superior bounden duty, so their negligence and defiance rightfully entailed the looming retributions. The aberrations and backslidings were so unabashedly ungrateful and self-indulgent. First I wanted to liken them to the Prodigal Son, but the latter was eventually able to do the soul-searching to become remorseful and to show a contrite spirit.
        Moreover, the nation of Israel set a hell of bad examples of idol-worship. Your definitions of idolatry were priceless and right on the money. I think of it as more of a huge, inclusive category as well, which encompasses and involves most of the attitudes, mindsets or school of thoughts that 1) let anything or anybody (activities, ambitions, objects, “cozy domestic arrangements”, people) wedge between Yahavah and the individual and/or 2) inhibit or dissuade us (or divert our attention) from employing agape love in our actions towards others.
        The term „Churchianity” is just fantastic! The big captor, the big deceiver, the unsolicited guardianship, the “golden straitjacket”, the culture in disguise, the ally of politics, the earthly enterprise, and so on, and so forth.
        Looking forward to the next gathering!

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