

Grady and Cheryl Risley were married on August 2, 1997, in Anchorage, AK. In December of that same year, they moved to Mexico to join Grady’s family in doing Missions work in Sonora, Mexico. Grady now leads “Risley Family Ministries” and he and Cheryl have five children and two grandchildren. Grady taught the Scriptures in Sonoran, Prisons for seven years and for the last 8 years they have worked as a family operating a soup kitchen/Nursing home/Hospice in their home. The Risley’s minister physically and spiritually to the impoverished, elderly, sick and dying in Sonora. They have dedicated their lives to spreading the “Good News” of the “victorious” Yeshua and strive to show and exemplify the Love of Yeshua to all those who YAHAVAH brings into their lives.